Members Area

The Oakwood Cub, Inc. Governing documents

Constitution – Is a set of fundamental principles to which The Oakwood Club, Inc is governed.

Bylaws – These are the rules in which we as a club have chosen best suit our needs. This is a living document and changes from time to time based on what members decide is important.

Policy Manual – These are general guidelines on how the club currently operates.

Articles of Incorporation – These are the documents that are filed with the state of Minnesota regarding our non-profit status and how we are legally structured.

Annual Membership Report – On August 31st of each year the Oakwood Club Certifying Officer and Secretary validate the total number of general members. This baseline is used to to determine a quorum for the fall Meeting. This is also the reference point to set the single male and single female quotas for the following season.

Questions about club rules and regulations?

Check out the following two documents Bylaws and Policy Manual

Oakleaves Newsletter

The club publishes a weekly newsletter during the season (Apr/May-October) – “The Oakleaves”. It is emailed from If the season is underway and you are not seeing this in your email, check your spam/junk folder. If it’s there, mark it as “not spam” and add as a contact or a valid sender. Any issues send us a note at and we will help you.

Transition from Provisional to General Membership

The Provisional Status period continues until two requirements are met:
a. The Provisional Member has been in Provisional Status for a continuous period of twelve (12) consecutive months since joining.

b. The Membership Recruitment Committee and the Board have reviewed the members (couples are considered as one (1)) Provisional period and decided to extend General Membership to the individual or couple.

In step b above the Membership Recruitment Committee shall meet and review all members in Provisional Status who have completed the time requirement and recommend approval or denial of General Membership. The recommendation shall be presented to the Board during a closed meeting at which time the Board shall make the final determination.  All Board approved memberships become effective at the adjournment of the Board meeting.  All members reviewed shall be informed of the results, in writing, within fourteen (14) days of the Board meeting. If they are not extended General Membership at that time, the Provisional Status membership, at the approval of the Board, may be extended for an additional twelve (12) months, or, if not extended, they shall immediately lose all rights of Provisional Status and arrangements shall be made for them to remove any items they have on a campsite if they are using one.

How can I improve my chances of being approved you ask? It is quite simple. Get know as many people as you can. Especially the board members. Volunteer to help at social events, join one of the many activities in the common area, come to one of the many potluck dinners, or simply stop into any campfire and introduce yourself. It is a great way to get to know people. All campfires are open to  everyone!!

What the area has to offer outside of the club?

Check out our brochure

Gate code

The gate has been upgraded to use access cards. We will send the details by email soon (as of May 2022)!

Volunteer Opportunities

Activities and Events (includes hosting an event, cleanup, record keeping, serving, and cooking)
Administration (includes Officer, Director, Audit, Constitution and Bylaws, Elections and Nominations Committees)
Communications (includes newsletter editor, contributor, ad design, photography, website maintenance, social media, WiFi, and network support)
Finance (includes bookkeeping, clerical, process documentation)
Long Range Planning (includes member surveys, data collection, cost estimating)
Membership (includes contact with new prospects, hosting visitors, record keeping)
Property (includes pool, building construction and maintenance, grounds maintenance, tree care, planting, wood cutting, campsite mowing, etc.)
Some of these positions require general membership status but if you have certain talents please contact the committee chair responsible for your area of interest and talk to them about possible opportunities! Other specific volunteer opportunities will be posted in the clubhouse.

Do you have a question? We want to know so that we can help make it easier for new members to feel at home here at Oakwood.